Leadership frameworks are models that help individuals understand, develop, and improve their leadership skills. These frameworks provide insights into the essential qualities, behaviors, and actions that make influential leaders. Here's a list of some well-known leadership frameworks:
- Transformational Leadership: A model that inspires and motivates followers to exceed their potential, achieve high-performance levels, and grow personally and professionally.
- Servant Leadership: This approach emphasizes the leader's role as a servant to their followers, prioritizing their needs and interests to foster a sense of community and shared goals.
- Situational Leadership: This framework suggests that effective leadership requires adapting one's leadership style to the followers' specific needs, maturity, and capabilities and the situation at hand.
- Authentic Leadership: This model emphasizes self-awareness, transparency, ethical behavior, and a strong connection between the leader's values and actions.
- Adaptive Leadership: This approach encourages leaders to be flexible and responsive to change, fostering resilience and adaptability within their teams and organizations.
- Transactional Leadership: A leadership style that focuses on task execution, performance management, and rewards and penalties to motivate followers.
- Level 5 Leadership: A concept introduced by Jim Collins highlights the combination of personal humility and professional will as critical attributes of successful leaders.
- Path-Goal Theory: This theory suggests that influential leaders provide guidance, support, and resources to help followers achieve their goals while removing obstacles that may hinder their progress.
- Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory: This framework emphasizes the importance of building strong relationships between leaders and followers, leading to increased trust, loyalty, and performance.
- Distributed Leadership: This model highlights the importance of shared leadership and decision-making among team members, recognizing that everyone can contribute to effective leadership.
These frameworks can help individuals assess their strengths and weaknesses and guide their development as influential leaders. Each framework offers a unique perspective, and it is essential to consider which model best aligns with your specific context and goals.
- The Ultimate Guide To IT Showback https://www.nops.io/blog/ultimate-guide-to-it-showback/
- Taking It One-on-One: The Secret to Better Collaboration & Engagement in the Workplace. https://www.wetheloft.com/post/taking-it-one-on-one-the-secret-to-better-collaboration-and-engagement-in-the-workplace
- What is Creative Leadership? Theories and Best Practices. https://theleaderboy.com/creative-leadership/
- Reid, June. "Cultural Backgrounds and Leadership Styles in the Virtual Work Environment." 2018, https://core.ac.uk/download/217231937.pdf.