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Showing posts with label Agile Coaching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Agile Coaching. Show all posts

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Frameworks for Top Technical Program Manager Domains

  • Software development:
  • Agile (Scrum, Kanban)
  • Waterfall
  • Extreme Programming (XP)
  • Test-Driven Development (TDD)
  • Behavior-Driven Development (BDD)
  • DevSecOps
  • CI/CD

Cloud computing:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  • OpenStack
  • Kubernetes
  • Artificial intelligence/machine learning: TensorFlow
  • Keras
  • PyTorch
  • Scikit-learn
  • Apache MXNet


  • NIST Cybersecurity Framework
  • ISO/IEC 27001
  • CIS Controls
  • HIPAA Security Rule

Infrastructure and operations:

  • DevOps
  • Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)
  • IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL)
  • The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF)
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Networking and telecommunications:

  • Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
  • Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
  • Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)
  • Software-Defined Networking (SDN)
  • Next-Generation Network (NGN)

Big data and analytics:

  • Hadoop
  • Spark
  • Apache Kafka
  • Apache Cassandra
  • Apache Flink

Please note that these are not the only frameworks used in each category, and the specific framework used may depend on the organization, project requirements, and other factors.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Top Fintech 2023 Valuation, HQ Country and Product Category


Ant Group - $150 billion (China) - Payments

Stripe - $95 billion (USA) - Payments

Airbnb - $90 billion (USA) - Accommodation

Coinbase - $65 billion (USA) - Cryptocurrency

Robinhood - $11.7 billion (USA) - Investing

Klarna - $45.6 billion (Sweden) - Payments

Adyen - $69 billion (Netherlands) - Payments

Revolut - $33 billion (UK) - Banking

SoFi - $8.65 billion (USA) - Banking

DoorDash - $57.8 billion (USA) - Food delivery

Affirm - $15 billion (USA) - Payments

Lufax - $39.4 billion (China) - Financial services

Addepar - $2.2 billion (USA) - Wealth management

Fiserv - $82.5 billion (USA) - Financial services

Lemonade - $4.8 billion (USA) - Insurance

Credit Karma - $7.1 billion (USA) - Credit score monitoring

Grab - $16 billion (Singapore) - Ride-hailing and deliveries

Varo Bank - $2.5 billion (USA) - Banking

Marqeta - $4.3 billion (USA) - Payments

Airwallex - $2.6 billion (Australia) - Payments

Greenlight Financial Technology - $2.3 billion (USA) - Banking for kids

Current - $2.2 billion (USA) - Banking for teens

Zest AI - $750 million (USA) - Credit risk assessment

Acorns - $860 million (USA) - Investment and savings

Brex - $7.4 billion (USA) - Credit card for businesses

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Agile Coaching Domains


Agile coaching is a process that involves supporting organizations, teams, and individuals in adopting and improving their use of agile methodologies. Agile coaches work with individuals and teams to help them develop the necessary skills and competencies to work effectively within an agile environment. Some common domains of agile coaching include:

Agile Methodologies: Agile coaches need to possess deep knowledge of various agile methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban, Lean, and XP and be able to help teams implement them effectively.

Coaching and Mentoring: Agile coaches must be skilled in coaching and mentoring individuals and teams to help them reach their full potential.

Facilitation: Agile coaches need to be able to facilitate meetings and workshops, including sprint planning, daily stand-ups, retrospectives, and demos.

Communication: Agile coaches must possess excellent communication skills to communicate complex technical information to non-technical stakeholders, manage expectations, and motivate teams.

Leadership: Agile coaches must lead by example and inspire teams to work collaboratively towards a common goal.

Continuous Improvement: Agile coaches need to be committed to constant improvement, including identifying areas for improvement, implementing process improvements, and measuring the impact of changes on team performance.

Change Management: Agile coaches must manage change effectively, including identifying the need for change, communicating changes to stakeholders, and implementing changes smoothly.

Team Dynamics: Agile coaches must be skilled in helping teams build trust, improve collaboration, and work effectively together.

Technical Practices: Agile coaches must possess deep knowledge of technical practices such as test-driven development (TDD), continuous integration (CI), and automated testing.

Agile Metrics and Reporting: Agile coaches need to be able to measure the effectiveness of agile practices using metrics such as velocity, lead time, and cycle time and report progress to stakeholders.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Scrum Master Domains

Scrum is an agile framework that helps teams develop and deliver high-quality products. The Scrum Master plays a vital role in the Scrum framework and ensures that the Scrum process is followed and that the team is supported in their efforts to deliver high-quality products. Some common domains of the Scrum Master role include:

Agile Methodologies: Scrum Masters need to possess deep knowledge of the Scrum framework and other agile methodologies and be able to help teams implement them effectively.

Coaching and Mentoring: Scrum Masters must be skilled in coaching and mentoring individuals and teams to help them reach their full potential.

Facilitation: Scrum Masters need to be able to facilitate Scrum ceremonies, including sprint planning, daily stand-ups, retrospectives, and demos.

Communication: Scrum Masters must possess excellent communication skills to communicate complex technical information to non-technical stakeholders, manage expectations, and motivate teams.

Leadership: Scrum Masters must lead by example and inspire teams to work collaboratively towards a common goal.

Continuous Improvement: Scrum Masters need to be committed to constant improvement, including identifying areas for improvement, implementing process improvements, and measuring the impact of changes on team performance.

Change Management: Scrum Masters must manage change effectively, including identifying the need for change, communicating changes to stakeholders, and implementing changes smoothly.

Team Dynamics: Scrum Masters must be skilled in helping teams build trust, improve collaboration, and work effectively together.

Technical Practices: Scrum Masters need to possess knowledge of technical practices such as test-driven development (TDD), continuous integration (CI), and automated testing to help the team deliver high-quality products.

Scrum Metrics and Reporting: Scrum Masters need to be able to measure the effectiveness of Scrum practices using metrics such as velocity, burndown charts, and cycle time and report progress to stakeholders.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Radical Acceptance


Radical acceptance is a psychological concept that has its roots in dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). It involves fully accepting a situation, event, or circumstance without judgment or resistance, even if it is painful, uncomfortable, or not what we would prefer. This concept can have many benefits for businesses and individuals alike.

The origin of radical acceptance can be traced back to the development of DBT in the 1980s. DBT was initially created to treat individuals with borderline personality disorder, who often struggle with intense emotional reactivity and difficulty regulating their emotions. Radical acceptance is one of the core concepts of DBT, along with mindfulness, distress tolerance, and emotion regulation.

Radical acceptance involves accepting a situation as it is, without trying to change it or make it different. This can be difficult, especially if the situation is painful or unpleasant. However, when we practice radical acceptance, we are better able to cope with difficult emotions and situations. We are also better able to focus on finding solutions rather than being stuck in a state of resistance or denial.

In a business context, radical acceptance can have many benefits. For example, it can help to improve decision-making. When we accept a situation as it is, we are better able to focus on finding solutions that will work within the constraints of the situation. This can lead to more effective and efficient decision-making.

Radical acceptance can also reduce stress and anxiety. When we try to change things that are beyond our control, we can often feel stressed and anxious. By accepting situations as they are, we can reduce these feelings of stress and anxiety.

Another benefit of radical acceptance is that it can improve relationships. When we accept people as they are, without judgment or criticism, we can improve our relationships with them. This is particularly important in the workplace, where good relationships can lead to better teamwork and productivity.

Radical acceptance can also help to increase resilience. When we practice radical acceptance, we develop greater emotional resilience. This means that we are better able to cope with challenges and setbacks in both our personal and professional lives.

In the technology sector, radical acceptance can be particularly useful. Technology is constantly changing, and it can be challenging to keep up with these changes. By accepting the situation as it is, we can better focus on finding solutions that work within the constraints of the technology. This can lead to more effective and efficient problem-solving.

In conclusion, radical acceptance is a valuable concept that can help businesses and individuals to improve their emotional well-being, decision-making, and relationships, and to develop greater resilience in the face of challenges. By accepting situations as they are, without judgment or resistance, we can better cope with difficult emotions and situations, and focus on finding solutions that will work within the constraints of the situation.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Top Communication Frameworks


Nonviolent Communication:

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is a communication framework developed by Marshall Rosenberg in the 1960s. Its aim is to facilitate compassionate, empathetic and honest communication between people. NVC is based on the idea that all humans share the same basic needs, and that conflict arises when those needs are not met. The framework consists of four components: observation, feelings, needs, and requests.

Observation: The first component of NVC is observation, which involves stating the objective facts of the situation without judgment or evaluation. This helps to avoid blame and focus on the issue at hand.

Feelings: The second component involves identifying and expressing one's own feelings about the situation. This component encourages emotional honesty and helps people to connect with each other on a deeper level.

Needs: The third component involves identifying the underlying needs behind one's feelings. By acknowledging each other's needs, people can work together to find solutions that meet everyone's needs.

Requests: The final component involves making requests that are specific, measurable, and achievable. These requests should be based on the needs identified in the previous component.

NVC emphasizes the importance of empathy and active listening, and encourages people to communicate in a way that is both authentic and compassionate. By using this framework, individuals can build stronger relationships and resolve conflicts in a way that is mutually beneficial.

Crucial Conversations:

Crucial Conversations is a communication framework developed by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler. It is designed to help people have difficult conversations in a way that is productive and respectful. The framework consists of seven key principles:

Start with the heart: Before engaging in a crucial conversation, it is important to clarify what you really want to achieve.

Stay focused: In a crucial conversation, it is important to stay focused on the issue at hand and avoid getting sidetracked by irrelevant topics.

Avoid the sucker's choice: The sucker's choice is a false dilemma where individuals feel like they must choose between two undesirable options. The crucial conversations framework encourages people to look for alternative solutions that meet everyone's needs.

Discover the mutual purpose: By identifying a common goal or purpose, individuals can work together to find a solution that benefits everyone involved.

Speak honestly and respectfully: In a crucial conversation, it is important to speak honestly and respectfully, while also being mindful of the other person's feelings.

Listen actively: Active listening involves paying attention to what the other person is saying, and seeking to understand their perspective.

Explore alternatives: By considering multiple solutions, individuals can find a solution that meets everyone's needs.

The Crucial Conversations framework emphasizes the importance of staying calm and focused during difficult conversations, and provides practical strategies for managing emotions and staying on track. By using this framework, individuals can build stronger relationships and resolve conflicts in a way that is mutually beneficial.

Communication Matrix:

The Communication Matrix is a tool designed to assess the communication skills of individuals with complex communication needs. It was developed by Charity Rowland and her colleagues at the University of Oregon. The matrix consists of four domains:

Social interaction: This domain assesses the individual's ability to communicate for social purposes, such as greeting others or making requests.

Requesting: This domain assesses the individual's ability to make requests for items or assistance.

Information transfer: This domain assesses the individual's ability to share information with others, such as telling a story or describing an event.

Protesting: This domain assesses the individual's ability to protest or express dissatisfaction with a situation.

The Communication Matrix is a useful tool for evaluating the communication skills of individuals with complex communication needs, such as those with autism spectrum disorder or cerebral palsy. By using this tool, educators and therapists can identify areas of strength and weakness, and develop interventions to improve communication

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Top Ten Scrum Master Skills

 A Scrum Master is a servant-leader who facilitates the Scrum process for a development team. As a Scrum Master, you will need to have the following skills:

  1. Strong understanding of Scrum: Knowledge of the Scrum framework and the ability to apply it in different contexts, including the roles, events, and artifacts defined by Scrum.
  2. Facilitation: The ability to lead and facilitate Scrum ceremonies such as Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, and Retrospective.
  3. Communication: Strong communication and interpersonal skills, including the ability to actively listen, give feedback, and facilitate discussions.
  4. Problem-solving: Strong analytical and problem-solving skills and the ability to help teams identify and remove obstacles that are preventing them from achieving their goals.
  5. Servant leadership: The ability to serve the team by providing guidance, coaching, and support, while at the same time being able to lead by example.
  6. Conflict resolution: Experience in resolving conflicts and facilitating discussions to reach a consensus.
  7. Technical skills: Familiarity with software development methodologies and technologies, and the ability to understand and help teams apply Scrum practices in their specific technical context.
  8. Continuous improvement: Experience in identifying areas for improvement and working with teams to implement changes and measure their effectiveness.
  9. Agile mindset: Strong understanding of Agile principles and values, and the ability to help teams adopt an Agile mindset.
  10. Stakeholder management: The ability to effectively communicate and manage relationships with stakeholders, including customers, development teams, and other stakeholders.

As a Scrum Master, you should be able to understand the team dynamics, support the team and remove impediments, while also being able to work with the stakeholders to ensure that the team is aligned with the organization's goals and needs.

Top Ten Agile Coaching Skills

Agile coaching is a process of guiding and mentoring teams and individuals to adopt and effectively use Agile methodologies. As an Agile Coach, you will need to have the following skills:

  1. Strong understanding of Agile methodologies: Knowledge of Agile frameworks such as Scrum, Kanban, and Lean and the ability to apply them in different contexts and help teams adapt them to their specific needs.
  2. Facilitation: The ability to lead and facilitate Agile ceremonies such as Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, and Retrospective.
  3. Communication: Strong communication and interpersonal skills, including the ability to actively listen, give feedback, and facilitate discussions.
  4. Coaching: Experience and knowledge of coaching methodologies and the ability to mentor and guide individuals and teams in the adoption and application of Agile practices.
  5. Adaptability: The ability to be flexible and adapt to different team dynamics, cultures, and organizational structures.
  6. Problem-solving: Strong analytical and problem-solving skills and the ability to help teams identify and remove obstacles that are preventing them from achieving their goals.
  7. Agile mindset: A strong understanding of Agile principles and values, and the ability to help teams adopt an Agile mindset.
  8. Continuous improvement: Experience in identifying areas for improvement and working with teams to implement changes and measure their effectiveness.
  9. Technical skills: Familiarity with software development methodologies and technologies, and the ability to understand and help teams apply Agile practices in their specific technical context.
  10. Training and education: The ability to provide training and education on Agile methodologies and practices to individuals and teams.

Keep in mind that Agile coaching is not only about applying Agile methodologies but also about understanding the team and organization's needs, culture, and goals, and working with them to find the best approach that fits their context.