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Thursday, February 1, 2024

50 Languages to Communicate with 100% of the World

Here is an artistic representation of a world map, visually depicting the immense linguistic diversity across different countries. Each region is illustrated with unique patterns and symbols, symbolizing the variety of languages spoken worldwide. This image celebrates the rich tapestry of languages that make up our global linguistic heritage.

A list of the 50 languages ranked by the number of speakers, including native and non-native speakers. The number of speakers is approximately, and the region indicates where the language is predominantly spoken. Note that some languages are widely spoken in multiple regions:

  1. English: 1.5 billion speakers - Worldwide
  2. Mandarin Chinese: 1.1 billion speakers - China, Taiwan, Singapore
  3. Hindi: 600 million speakers - India
  4. Spanish: 580 million speakers - Spain, Latin America, Equatorial Guinea
  5. Arabic: 310 million speakers - Arab World including North Africa and Middle East
  6. French: 300 million speakers - France, Francophone Africa, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland
  7. Malay/Indonesian (Bahasa Melayu/Bahasa Indonesia): 290 million speakers - Malaysia, Indonesia
  8. Bengali: 265 million speakers - Bangladesh, India
  9. Portuguese: 260 million speakers - Brazil, Portugal, Lusophone Africa
  10. Russian: 258 million speakers - Russia, Former Soviet Republics
  11. Urdu: 230 million speakers - Pakistan, India
  12. Indonesian: 199 million speakers - Indonesia
  13. German: 132 million speakers - Germany, Austria, Switzerland
  14. Japanese: 128 million speakers - Japan
  15. Punjabi: 125 million speakers - India, Pakistan
  16. Persian (Farsi): 110 million speakers - Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan
  17. Swahili: 100 million speakers - East Africa
  18. Marathi: 95 million speakers - India
  19. Filipino/Tagalog: 90 million speakers - Philippines
  20. Javanese: 82 million speakers - Indonesia
  21. Telugu: 82 million speakers - India
  22. Korean: 77 million speakers - South Korea, North Korea
  23. Vietnamese: 76 million speakers - Vietnam
  24. Tamil: 75 million speakers - India, Sri Lanka, Singapore
  25. Turkish: 75 million speakers - Turkey, Cyprus
  26. Italian: 64 million speakers - Italy, Switzerland
  27. Hausa: 63 million speakers - Nigeria, Niger
  28. Thai: 60 million speakers - Thailand
  29. Gujarati: 56 million speakers - India, East Africa
  30. Bhojpuri: 51 million speakers - India, Nepal
  31. Pashto: 50 million speakers - Afghanistan, Pakistan
  32. Min Nan (Hokkien-Taiwanese): 46 million speakers - China, Taiwan, Southeast Asia
  33. Kannada: 45 million speakers - India
  34. Sundanese: 42 million speakers - Indonesia
  35. Ukrainian: 40 million speakers - Ukraine
  36. Yoruba: 40 million speakers - Nigeria, Benin
  37. Malayalam: 38 million speakers - India
  38. Oriya (Odia): 35 million speakers - India
  39. Maithili: 34 million speakers - India, Nepal
  40. Burmese: 33 million speakers - Myanmar
  41. Amharic: 32 million speakers - Ethiopia
  42. Uzbek: 32 million speakers - Uzbekistan
  43. Assamese: 25 million speakers - India
  44. Sindhi: 25 million speakers - Pakistan, India
  45. Dutch: 23 million speakers - Netherlands, Belgium
  46. Cebuano: 21 million speakers - Philippines
  47. Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian/Montenegrin: 21 million speakers - Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro
  48. Kurdish: 20 million speakers - Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria
  49. Khmer: 16 million speakers - Cambodia
  50. Chittagonian: 13 million speakers - Bangladesh

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